Quotes of the Day
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
  Adam: i'm bored
Alex: get naked
Alex: solves boredom
-Alex P. on the most obvious solution to boredom. I am a supporter.

Kyle: Nope, nope...
Kyle: I won't be done for a long ass tizzle
Adam: dude you only used "izzle" once in that sentance
Kyle: I knizow
Kyle: "izzle" is mizore of an "in-fix"
Adam: "in" fix?
Kyle: Yeah
Kyle: You know
Kyle: There are prefixesizzles
Kyle: Suffixizzles
Kyle: and infixizzles
Kyle: Like, fucking is an infix. Like, "Massafuckingchussets," "absofuckinglutely"
Kyle: I guess izzle could be a suffix too
-Kyle F. explaing how his method of grammar works. Man I am in awe of this. I mean, Man I am in izzaw of thisizzle. I tried, I really did.

Adam: “You have too much free time.”
Chris: “You want to know why? Because you know what they teach us in the business school?”
Kyle: "How to leave work at 1:30 to go play golf?"
Chris: “Well…yeah. But they also teach us…”
Adam: (interrupting) “How to screw the little guy?”
-Kyle F. and I roughing up Chris Miller on the benefits of his business school education.

"These are some funny quotes, Check out my sad attempt to be witty. I am only on there like two times. Because Mr. Conner (Someone obviosly died and made him the all mighty quote nazi) thinks that i am not quotable... Do you know what i say to that? I say down with the quote nazi. I refuse to kneel before his fake pedistal and self appointed (and dare i say abused) power and hope for his approval on my quotes. I'll quote my own damn quotes...damn it! Anyway check the page out... some of it is actually fun and witty.
-Tommie Begay in a completely transparent attempt to make it on the quotes page...and look he did. Huh good lesson. FLATTER ME WITTILY.

"yo know what quote nazi, i am going to get together a group of quote renegades... and we are going to overthrow your ass."
-Tommie Begay plotting my untimely quote demise. I'm shaking.

Eric: "Ass fisting... It's like spelunking for the hand"
-Eric Tegtmeier (one of my best friends for nearly how many years and I still can't remember how to spell his last name) with a quote so depraved, that I don't even know. Just wrong. 
This is a tribute to forever enshrine the many ''Quotes of the Day'' that I've run into. This is an attempt to compile and archive them. Be sure and check out the archives that are located below to see all of the past quotes of the day. Any questions or comments can be sent to quotesoftheday@hotmail.com. Thank's for coming along, bookmark this page and check it DAILY! Enjoy! Adam Conner

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