Quotes of the Day
Friday, February 21, 2003
  "You touch any of my stuff and I'll turn your pink eyes into two black eyes."
-Evan Hass on my infectious disease

"Don't you dare repeat that. You quote me on that and I'll rock your world."
-Ryan Kilpatrick on something I shouldn't tell anybody.

"We're really shaking in our boots...after we saw Ryan fall DOWN the UP escalator."
-Sam on why the girls didn't fear the boys in our snowball showdown as much as they should

You'll notice a lot of today's quote focus on pink eye and me. Well that's cause I woke up with pink eye this morning. So go ahead bitches, take your best shot. The best will be posted here.

Adam: "This is gonna be a thing for a while isn't it? The pink eye."
Matt: "Oh you're never living this down."
-Matt Miller adding to the great roommate comfort of the day.

And here's why this is going to be a thing for a while
"beware, if you are currently attending gwu, in hova room 224 a member has pink eye (adam conner), beware adam conner is highly contagious with pink eye. pink eye is a horrible disease that usually attacks elementary school kids, but because adam conner is special, he got pink eye. beware!!!!!!!!!!"
-Matt Miller's away message publicizing my health issues today. Thanks Matt. I'm gonna rub my eyes over you while you sleep or someting equally dastardly.

Matt: "You come near me and I'll hit you in the face!"
Adam: "HA HA! Then you'll get pink eye."
Matt: "Then I'll kick! And I kick hard! That's why I go to the gym!"
-Matt Miller expressing his fears that I will infect him.

"Wait, i didn't think it was possible to have pink eye after third grade."
-Erica Finkle trying to be funny. Seriously folks pink eye is a disease that affects all age groups. And despite what Russ may tell you it's not a fungus.

"There's disease in the air..."
"There must be pink eye in the atmosphere"
-Russel Edward Tanguay, Jr's song composed especially for me his diseased roommate. Thanks Russ. Impressive guitar skills too.

Adam: "It's easy to pick on me for having pink eye. Lets just say everyone here is handling pretty much the same way they would at home."
Jon: "Making fun of you and making really obvious jokes?"
Adam: "Painfully obvious."
-Jon "Spicy Italian" Vaccaro pointing out that everyone adapts to Adam the same where, be you from the southwest or the northeast.

Adam: "What's my name bitch?"
Russ: "CYCLOPS!"
-Russ Tanguay on my new nickname.

"Your pink eye, if that is really what it is, is definitely an excellent conversation piece. You should get it more often"
-Alex P. on the benefits of my pink eye

Adam: "So wasthing time till you have to go out tonight?"
Alex: "Basically thats the gist"
Alex: "Avoiding pink eye that looms in this dorm."
-Alex P. on the epidimic of pink eye. Seriously people it's not fucking Ebloa.

"Beware! Cyclops is a freshmen at the George Washington University and goes by the alias of Adam Conner(this is my pathetic attempt at beating Elizabeth for top quote getter on the quotes of the day page)"
-Matt Miller's away message and the epic struggle to be #1 on the quote page

Away message: "Ed your life is like an away message."
Ed's response: "It is! And then i poured fake drool on his pillow and told him it was mine from when i took a nap in his bed, and he spazzed and is washing his sheeets, and that is why thurston (his dorm) kicks hova's ass (my dorm)!"
-Ed Stautberg (spelled correctly this time) on...the state of being Ed. 
  Ed: "I remember one time my rabbit got pink eye, and it lost all the fur from the left side of its head"
Ed: "mebbe you'll lose your eyebrow"
-Ed Stoutberg on how not to comfort someone who has just been diagnosed with pink eye 
  "Adam - finally pulled up your website & only have one word for it - sick or I could say bad taste, maybe depraved - whatever; think I'll skip learning more of your 'quotes of the day'."
-My father Terry Conner upon viewing this website for the first time after I accidently hinted to it in an email. We've offended our first adult, wow. I chalk it up to "generational differences."

Liz: "i've counted"
Liz: "i'm at 11"
Liz: "and while most people would be satisfied with the reigning number of quotes"
Liz: "besides you of course"
Liz: "i'm not"
Liz: "i've set a new goal"
Liz: "i'm going to beat YOU"
Liz: "that's right"
Liz: "mr. quote page himself"
Liz: "i'll dare to go where no individual has gone before"
Liz: "and there's nothing you can do to stop me"
Liz: "well"
Liz: "actually"
Liz: "i suppose you could just not put me on the site"
Liz: "fuck"
Liz: "so much for that plan"
-Elizabeth Steinfield in the perfect example of how much some people can become caught up the "Quotes of the Day" page experience. But I'm crediting this one to ME and not her. HA! I WIN!
Thursday, February 20, 2003
  "Texas: Even the New Mexican's look down on it."
-Elizabeth Steinfield summing up what we New Mexican's have been trying to articulate for years. 
  Today "Quotes of the Day" is rolling out a new feature to headline the day's postings. Occasionally men and women who have been signifcant pillars of the "Quotes of the Day" community will be spotlighted for their vital contributations to the cause. You can thank those spotlighted for being some of the driving forces behind the creation of this website and the amusement that they bring to my life. The first highlight goes to a man whose first quote was the insipration to create this website. Lets revisit the very first "Quote of the Day."

"Chicks dig resources! Natural fucking selection! Charles Fucking Darwin! Origin of fucking species!"
-Kyle F. on why rich men get women

That's right ladies and gentleman KYLE F. from Tacoma, Washington is today's "Quote of the Day" Spotlight! Kyle is a freshman here at the George Washington University and lives down the hall from me on the second floor of the Hall on Virginia Avenue. Kyle wishes for me to mention that he is single and available, ladies please take a note. He has appeared over 5 times on the "Quotes of the Day" page, but it was that first quote that gave birth to this endeavor. I guess you could say that Kyle knocked me up and this was the result...but that makes neither of us look good now does it?

"Wy don't you just try to play the role of 'Adam Conner?' The naysaying, heretical, know-it-all, bs-ing, fat, pseudo-intellectual, Aaron Sorkin-worshipping, Skippy the Blazin Caucasian Asian Adam Conner."
-Elizabeth Steinfield with a fairly accurate descriptor of myself.

"Alright Adam I bow to your superior speech finding skills.."
-Erica Finkle with the finest form of flattery I have ever been privy to. Happy birthday Erica.

Adam: "I was snowed in and hungry last weekend."
Anna: "Did you survive on some hot booty and cup o noodles?"
-Anna Kaiper on how I WISH I had gotten through being snowed in last weekend.

Adam: "You're the kind of person that divorces his wife after 20 years of happy marriage when you find out she supports a Republican platform like school vouchers or faith based initatives, you're really quite the extreme liberal."
Kyle: "Yeah I could see myself doing that. I fucking hate Republicans."
-Kyle F. on why he will never wed himself to what he considers "THE ENEMY!"

"It really bothers me that I don't feel comfortable in your room unless I have my hand down my pants."
-Adam Conner commenting on how there appears to be some mysterious force in Kyle F. and Ryan Kilpatrick's room that forces one's hand down their pants for comfort. 
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
  Chris: "I'm skipping class to watch Jenny Jones."
Adam: "Wow that's a new form of sad."
Chris: "Hey fuck you...they have blonde bomb shells on today. If it was another "Who is my Baby's Daddy?" then I would go to class."
-Chris Miller on what is an acceptable excuse for skipping class

"You know what's worse then Christian rock? Jewish Rock."
-Dan Getman on the apparent lameness of Jewish Rock

Adam: "That's because you (Pennsylvania) have the fucking almish"
Alex: "Hey they make the best butter!"
-A.P.'s defense of the Almish culture and the goods they produce

"Cause worrking in DC might be fun, but working in pretend DC has got to be the best job in the world."
-Erica Finkle on why working for Aaron Sorkin on the set of the West Wing would be the single greatest job in the world. 
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
  I've set up a new email account for this homepage to take feedback and input from those of you who frequent this page. Any changes in format you want to suggest and such you can now send to quotesoftheday@hotmail.com. I'm pondering ponying up the dough to put a counter on the website, allow me to post pictures, and have a guestbook. Anyway it's a thought let me know if you enjoy this page or if this is just a waste of everyone's time. Oh and PLEASE tell all of your friends! Spread the word, bookmark this page, and check it daily dammit!

Adam "Skippy" Conner

Adam: "Did you hear the rumor about me?"
Caitlin: "Which rumor? There are multiple rumors floating around about you?"
-Caitlin Harvey on the apparent abundence of rumors about yours truly. And I was KIDDING about there being a rumor about me.

"So the moral of the story is that when tripping on acid lawn gnomes and small children look a LOT alike!"
-Amanda upon retelling a story about two Duke students who were on acid and decided their dorm could use a lawn gnome, so they abducted one from someones lawn and took it back to their dorm and dressed it funny. Turns out the next morning the lawn gnome was a little boy. Whoops.

"Tomorrow, when my prof asks me why i'm falling behind I'll say it's cuz my friend Adam is a naysaying heretic."
-Elizabeth who has been trying really hard to make it back on the quotes page after a LONG absence. And look kids I don't only put quotes that make me look good.

Adam: "My question is for Mr. Carville. I'm Adam Conner from Los Alamos, New Mexico. I recently caught a sneak preview of the new movie "Old School" and was shocked to see Mr. Carville lose to Will Ferell in a debate during the movie. My question is, how could such a proud Democrat like yourself be defeated by the man who played George W. Bush for so many years on Saturday Night Live?"
Carville: "One word: MONEY!"
-James Carville responding to Adam Conner's question during the nationally televised TV show "Crossfire" which appears on CNN every night and is filmed live at the George Washington University. My guile and wit got me on the air in front of an audience of millions. Sweet.

"I don't live by the ocean I just have a beach house."
-Matt Miller in a confusing statement that we somehow came to while discussing lobster.

"If you're looking for class you're not going to find it here...we're like Jerry Springer but with longer words."
-Tucker Carlson the Republican right-wing host of CNN's Crossfire as he spoke of the caliber of viewing that the viewers could expect.

"Adam will you be my valentine? I don't need much just a flower...well a dozen flowers. And dinner...at a nice restraunt...a fancy restraunt oh and expensive. And a limo ride there and back. And maybe so jewelry...but really not much more then that...J/K!"
-Shira Lazinger on taking "Low Maintenance Girl" to a new level. Thanks for just kidding Shira, though you're clearly deserving of all of those great things.

"Riled Insanity!"
-Matt Maez's signature catch phrase to the craziness of life.

"Here's a general rule of thumb for your interaction with me. When in doubt assume sarcasm."
-Elizabeth Steinfield clearing up how to understand her.

"Hot. Wet. Naked. Shower."
-Kate Riopa showing of the single greatest away message EVER! Ladies take note, away messages like that are how to gather mucho attention from men.
Monday, February 17, 2003
  Ryan: "I'm going to rape you in the ass while you sleep!"
Kyle: "And I look forward to it."
-Ryan Kilpatrick and Kyle F. on why an open dialouge between roommates is the key to happiness. And yes they were kidding. I think.

"That's right I have an eight, nine, ten, queen, and king...FUCK!"
-Adam Conner on why he needs to heed the advice of his roommate Matt Miller and look at his cards before betting big in poker.

"Is it possible to quote pelvic thrusts?"
-Aaron Bock on Kyle F.'s repeated pelvic thrusts upon victory during poker night in HOVA #224 
  "If I were an anti-aircraft missle, where would I be?"
-Matt Miller during our search for anti-aircraft missles around the DC area as seen on the cover of the New York Times and the Washington Post. But they were no where to be found, which makes us wonder if it was just all to give us a false sense of security.

Adam: "I need sugar for my oatmeal."
Rachel: "We're in a state of emergency here and you need sugar for your oatmeal."
-Rachel Nadeau on survival in HOVA (my residence hall) when you're snowed in and desperate for food

Adam: "Where did Liberman go to college?"
Rachel: "I don't know but I'm pretty sure that he's one of the ones that actually went."
-Rachel Nadeau and Adam Conner during aspeech to George Washington University by Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman (former Vice-Presidental Candidate 2000 and current Democratic 2004 Presidential Candidate) on Homeland Security. By the way Liberman did go to college he did his undergrad and law school at Yale. Congrats to Rachel on two apperances on the quotes page in one posting, quite an accomplishment. 
This is a tribute to forever enshrine the many ''Quotes of the Day'' that I've run into. This is an attempt to compile and archive them. Be sure and check out the archives that are located below to see all of the past quotes of the day. Any questions or comments can be sent to quotesoftheday@hotmail.com. Thank's for coming along, bookmark this page and check it DAILY! Enjoy! Adam Conner

01/12/2003 - 01/19/2003 / 01/19/2003 - 01/26/2003 / 01/26/2003 - 02/02/2003 / 02/02/2003 - 02/09/2003 / 02/09/2003 - 02/16/2003 / 02/16/2003 - 02/23/2003 / 02/23/2003 - 03/02/2003 / 03/02/2003 - 03/09/2003 / 03/09/2003 - 03/16/2003 / 03/23/2003 - 03/30/2003 / 04/13/2003 - 04/20/2003 / 04/20/2003 - 04/27/2003 / 04/27/2003 - 05/04/2003 / 05/25/2003 - 06/01/2003 / 07/27/2003 - 08/03/2003 / 10/12/2003 - 10/19/2003 / 11/02/2003 - 11/09/2003 /

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