Quotes of the Day
Wednesday, February 26, 2003
  Auto response from Erica's IM: "adam made me do this: http://quotesoftheday.blogspot.com"
-Erica Finkle's example of the best away message ever.

"Ben Savage was my bitch."
-Mike Richmond explaining what the former star of "Boy Meets World" and current Stanford Pre-Law student did when he interned for the campaign Mike ran.

Adam: "Check out this Secret Service book I stole from their booth yesterday!"
Mike: "My cousin in the Secret Service was really famous for his actions when a guy shot at the White House during the Clinton Administration."
Adam: "Awesome! Maybe he's listed in this book for winning a medal! Let me look."
Mike: "Actually...he shot another Secret Service agent and not the guy shooting at the White House and was investigated."
Adam: "You know you could've mentioned that before I got the book out."
-Mike Richmond and Adam Conner on varying definitions of fame

"ok fine, damnit, i try so hard to be dorky i want to be unusual and not normal, but obviously i'm not good enough for that, obviously i haven't proved myself to you, guess i'll just have to surrender to being fucking cool."
-Erica Finkle on an argument that makes her look pretty good in the end

"They're like a pep rally for the radical right facists."
-A quote from political rhetoric class, don't remember what it was about

"The difference between real photography with film and digital photography and editing is like the difference between a woman wearing something that accentuates her cleavage and a breast implants."
-Adam Conner on a metaphor for digital and regular pictures

"You're sort of the Anti-Christ of everything we've read."
-Political Rhetoric class again on what I don't remember

"It's like when you see another car with a GW bumper sticker you know there's either a GW alum, student, or parent in the car. Well it's the same thing with the Confederate flag, it's a clear indication of another drunken hick."
-My political rhetoric class, yes they're all Yankees from the North but I'm no fan of the Confederate flag either. That said I love fried chicken, grits, and sweet tea!

(Sign for D.C. Mayor during the election last year. "Carol...isn't it time?")
"Isn't it time...to put your FUCKING last name on your sign so we know who the hell to vote for?!"
-Rachel Nadeau on why a little common sense could go a long way in D.C.

  FUCK. The stupid thing erased my posting, what you're seeing below I had to fucking retype. Fucking A.

Rachel Nadeau, Elizabeth Steinfield, Chris Miller, and Tommie Begay have all added links in their AIM profiles to this webpage…shouldn’t you? I mean everybody else is doing it and you wanna be cool too don’t you? Join the bandwagon and use some shameless self promotion like “Look how witty I can be by clicking here” or something to that effect. Help a brother out.

I’ve also added the transcript of an extended conversation Chris, Kelly, and I had in December about International Arms Dealing at the bottom.

Adam “Skippy” Conner

Lorena: "Why can't you do it yourself? You're helpless."
Adam: "I am not helpless."
(Look from Lorena)
Adam: "I'm a little helpless."
(Adam and Lorena simultaneously)
Adam: “I’m completely helpless.”
Lorena: ”You’re totally helpless.”
-Lorena Seitz and Adam Conner on my complete, utter, and total helplessness.

“Adam your problem is that you think you need the perfect one-liner and that will get you girls as if having that perfect line is the key to getting women. It’s not.”
-Lorena Seitz on why there’s more to getting a girl then a good pick up line. Shit it’s more complex then that? Well it’s not like I had a good line anyway.

Yoni: “Adam the word on the street is that you’re the rap music expert. I mean you knew all the words to that song at the party last night…California something.”
Adam: “California love?!”
Yoni: “Yeah that’s the one. I mean everyone I’ve talked to says you’re the man to come to about rap music and hip-hop. Like that one guy…Dr. Dr.”
Adam: “You mean Dr. Dre?!”
Yoni: ”Oh yeah that’s the one, is he big in rap?”
-Yoni I don’t know where the hell you’ve been hanging out to hear that I’m a rap expert.

“I thought everyone who grew up in the 90’s automatically knew the words to ‘California Love.’”
-Chris Miller on the cultural prevalence of that song in our society

“He was different…a smile and the first words out of his mouth and you could just hear my panties hitting the floor.”
-An unnamed friend (girl) speaking about an unnamed Englishman we’ll just call Magnum. Damn chicks dig accents.

“That was a random tangent, but I’ve noticed you’re not thrown off as much as other are by them.”
-Erica Finkle on my impressive skill in adapting to random tangents. Yeah, it’s cause my life is very literally a random tangent.

Classmate: “This is kind of a random tangent.”
Professor Loge: “Don’t worry that’s pretty much what this class is about.”
-Classmate and Professor Loge on why I enjoy that class so much, Political Rhetoric in Political Communication should really just be called “Random Political Tangents 190.”

“But it makes me wonder…can your register to vote twice?”
-A classmate recalling a comment she heard from a college student while working on a campaign

“10 years ago we started ‘Rock the Vote’ and voter turnout has gone DOWN every year…that makes our work more important so we would appreciate additional monetary contributions.”
-Professor Loge describing the spiel ‘Rock the Vote’ gave to try and get MORE money despite the fact that voter turnout has gone down since it began. Now I know that statistically correlation does not equal causation, but that’s a seriously funky line of logic.

Professor Loge: “So what’s your impression of ‘Rock the Vote?’”
Adam: “Isn’t it, you know, not an election year?”
-Adam Conner on why “Rock the Vote” may not work well in 2003.

“You want to be disengaged and pissed off (at the system) then move to Cuba, they’re hiring!”
-Professor Loge pointing out that jaded youth and cynicism about the current political system is rather unfounded, it’s in our own best interests to care and we’re only screwing ourselves by being politically apathetic. It’s not a politician’s job to get you to care, in fact their jobs are a lot easier if you don’t.

Chris: “I’ll be an International Arms Dealer pimping out of yacht in the Mediterranean and have more money then I’ll know what to do with.”
Kelly: “Why the Mediterranean?”
Adam: “I don’t really think that’s the important part.”
Kelly: “I’m just wondering why you have to deal arms from the Mediterranean.”
Chris: “The yacht could move.”
Kelly: “Then why would you say the Mediterranean?”
Chris: “I don’t know, it just seemed like a place where people deal illegal arms.”
Adam: “It’s convenient; I mean you’re surrounded by land so people buying the weapons don’t have to travel too far to get to you.”
Kelly: “So you’ll be on some rusted fishing boat in the Mediterranean selling machine guns? That doesn’t sound like much fun.”
Chris: “It’ll be a big yacht. And I’ll be so high up I won’t actually have the weapons in the yacht, I’ll just arrange things for people.”
Kelly: “And you have to do that from the Mediterranean?”
Adam: “OK I think we established that the Mediterranean wasn’t really the important part. Any body of water can accommodate the yacht.”
Chris: “Exactly, I can move around the world. That’s why I’ll be an ‘International’ arms dealer.”
Kelly: “Won’t it be real obvious where you are when other people have to take boats to come see you on your boat? I mean won’t that make it easy for the authorities to find you?”
Adam: “She’s got a point. If you’re an arms dealer you’re going to have enemies. Not going to be very popular at all.”
Chris: “I’ll just have a one-person miniature escape submarine, James Bond style. And that’s why I’ll be in the Mediterranean because when I escape the yacht when one of my clients gets followed by the authorities I’m close to so many countries.”
Kelly: “Well there you go. It all makes sense now.”
-Chris Miller, Kelly Shea, and Adam Conner on an incredibly detailed conversation we had about international arms dealing back in December at the mall 
This is a tribute to forever enshrine the many ''Quotes of the Day'' that I've run into. This is an attempt to compile and archive them. Be sure and check out the archives that are located below to see all of the past quotes of the day. Any questions or comments can be sent to quotesoftheday@hotmail.com. Thank's for coming along, bookmark this page and check it DAILY! Enjoy! Adam Conner

01/12/2003 - 01/19/2003 / 01/19/2003 - 01/26/2003 / 01/26/2003 - 02/02/2003 / 02/02/2003 - 02/09/2003 / 02/09/2003 - 02/16/2003 / 02/16/2003 - 02/23/2003 / 02/23/2003 - 03/02/2003 / 03/02/2003 - 03/09/2003 / 03/09/2003 - 03/16/2003 / 03/23/2003 - 03/30/2003 / 04/13/2003 - 04/20/2003 / 04/20/2003 - 04/27/2003 / 04/27/2003 - 05/04/2003 / 05/25/2003 - 06/01/2003 / 07/27/2003 - 08/03/2003 / 10/12/2003 - 10/19/2003 / 11/02/2003 - 11/09/2003 /

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