Quotes of the Day
Friday, February 14, 2003
  "I'm rounding up a posse. Booger stole all my bedding cause I put a Viagra in his beer."
-Ed Stoutberg. At first I thought this was a line from "Revenge of the Nerds" movies until I realized that Viagra didn't exist then.

Tommie: "Happy Valentines day Adam."
Tommie: "You know it's on days like this that you come to appreciate all the sarcasm in your life."
Tommie: "With that i would like to say thank you."
-Tommie Begay on why Valentine's Day (or single awareness day) is all about realizing what you don't have and what's important in life

Adam: Dude you just made the Quote of the Day page!
Tommie: "Thank you. I would like to thank my brother. For all the years of putting me down and the derogatory comments. I would like to thank my parents for doing there thing, therefore making me. And most of all I would like to thank Adam Conner, for raising the bar for all sarcastic assholes all around the world."
-Tommie Begay upon being told he had made the ultra-selective quotes of the day page

Adam,: "Hey what are you up to tonight?"
Matt: "haha we almost got arrested in front of the White House!"
-Matt E. on why going to school at GW in the heart of D.C. gives you the best stories that NO ONE can top

Ed: "I just bought a blow-up doll."
Adam: "A realisitic looking one?"
Ed: "Well a realistic looking goat."
-Ed Stoutberg on why shopping at sex novelty shops can be an enigma of decisions

"Adam you're like...George Stephanopoulos! And I would so totally do him. If you were a girl and could physically do him would you?"
-Andie the girl from my CI who I invented ultimate thurston extreme hall frisbee with. Applying for a job together. Me, her, and Ed rock the hizhouse. Poli Comm and SMPA in the hizouse! 
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
  Recently the editorial staff of the "Quotes of the Day Page" has come under fire with claims of slander.
Let’s be clear right here, that the editorial staff consists solely of me, Adam D. Conner.
Yes the things that I write are biased, very biased. They are biased for a single, simple reason.
These are all quotes that I encounter in MY day.

These are my experiences and thus come tainted with the full perspective and opinions of one Adam D. Conner.
I'm sorry that no disclaimer has been posted, but I was naive enough to think that it was fairly self-explanatory.
While tonight my views were challenged and I myself was subject to various threats of physical and legal harm, my faith in the competence and intelligence of my readers is not shaken.
If nothing else it is reaffirmed.

I won’t beat the often repeated First Amendment drum, or even cite various legal decisions involving slander and the attribution of quotes such as the 1991 Malcolm versus New Yorker Magazine decision.
I will simply say that I bring you this website with the sole intent of bringing a little amusement, entertainment, and joy into your lives.
I would like to think that the overwhelmingly positive response is indicative of your enjoyment.

My original intention in the creation of this website was to archive and chronicle the amusing and off the cuff lines that find their way into my daily conversations.
But since the creation of this website I have found that people have begun to think a little more before they open their mouth, to make their thoughts a little deeper and their words a little wittier.
And that can do nothing but benefit us all.
Those of us lucky enough to have an audience to avail them to understand the responsibility they hold to their readers and I take that responsibility seriously, hard as that may be to believe.
So I’m going to get off my high horse now and continue to bring you the highlights of my day.

Thanks for reading.

Adam D. Conner

(And now the quotes)

"I think you must intimidate women. They know you're gonna be the first Asian president of the US, and it really scares them, I think."
-Brian McMath on why he thinks I don't have women throwing themselves at me. (Hey I'm clever and I can run a blogspot site, what more could you want?) Brian is the newest employee of Clear Channel Radio meaning he controls the FM airwaves in NM while most sleep. Mad props.

"Only at GW could a fairy tale with a happy ending be on that ends with a bill making it out of committee and onto the floor of the House for a vote."
-Adam Conner to Lorena Seitz following an enchanting fairy tale from Professor Sigelman in our American Political Science class

Adam: "For a 90 second ungraded speech i came up with 4 pages of materiel off the top of my head."
Lucrece: "Damn."
Lucrece: "Go Go Gadget speech writer."
-Adam Conner and Lucrece Borrego on my occasional excessiveness in speechwriting

Alex: "Take some write-agra."
-Adam Conner and Alex P. on the medical miracle for when your writing talent won't "rise" to the occasion

Lucrece: "ho ho ho"
Adam: "merry you"
-Adam Conner and Lucrece Borrego again on shit that's just funny because it's always good to call her a ho

Adam: “I feel kind of weird for saying that I’m excited for the West Wing Inaugural address...Please tell me I’m normal?"
Erica: "I wish I could... but I'm afraid I'm a West Wing dork...and you seem to enjoy it just as much as I do... which would make you a dork by association."
Adam: I can deal with that, long as I have company."
-Adam Conner and Erica (last name withheld by request) on tonight's episode of "The West Wing." Sadly enough it didn't feature the much hyped inaugural address and boy was i pissed. 
  "Eww! Gross! Old people kissing! Gross!"
-Matt Miller on two 50 year olds making out during Sesame Street

"You see Russ this is why I do homework in the afternoon, because daytime television SUCKS!"
-Matt Miller on the crapiness of early pm television

Adam: "Are any of you planning to go to med school?"
Ryan: "Whenever I think about being I doctor, I just ask myself if I would want to cut open by me...and no."
-Ryan McCormick on why he won't become a doctor

Aaron: "Is this John Mayer?"
Everyone else: "This is TUPAC!"
-Aaron "Chicken Biscut" Bock on why he's a dumbass of the highest caliber

(Yoni rounds corner of hall intoxicated and strumming a guitar)
Adam: "Just when my faith in humanity was being restored...it all comes crashing down."
-Adam Conner on Yoni's making him lose faith in humanity

"It's like have you ever seen someone so ugly you couldn't look away? And there's two of them!"
-Adam Conner on the absurdity of Aaron Bock and Yoni congregating at the end of the hall at 1am 
Monday, February 10, 2003
  "One man's write-up is another man's freedom fighter!"
-Ryan "Rugby" Kilpatrick on being written up by the RA for playing football in the hall. The editorial staff of "Quotes of the Day" stands shoulder to shoulder with Ryan on this great injustice to the social system and applaud his efforts to end this tyranical crackdown on freedom. VIVA!

"I've been telling people lately that my clumsiness is both a gift and a handicap."
-Matt Maez on his inherient clumsiness

"I have this problem with being compulsively and excessively honest."
-Kate Riopa on her personality (there's nothing wrong with it BTW)

"It's nice, but does anyone actually look at your quotes of the day page?"
-Kelly Shea's IM to my hyping this page in my away message

"Adam for pres!"
-Amy's rocking awesome IM to my away message earlier tonight. She's the best!

Adam: "I put myself in your phone book as "Sexiest Man Alive."
Lauren: "Gee, little concieted tonight are we?"
-Adam Conner and Lauren on the attitude problem I developed tonight

"I'm gonna put my hand on your leg and slowly start sliding it up. Let me know when it becomes uncomfortable."
-Adam Conner's patented method for getting slapped quickly

Liz: So there's been this void in my life lately
Liz: And I finally figured out
Liz: It was because I wasn't talking to you everynight
Liz: So that needs to be fixed
-Elizabeth Steinfield on me being the thing that can plug the vast void in her life.

Lucrece: my class didn't know what the magna carta was
Adam: the magna carta
Adam: seriously?
Lucrece: yes, the magna fucking carta
Adam: damn
Adam: that was the thing lincoln signed to free the slaves right?
Lucrece: haha fuck you
Adam: no wait that was the declaration of constitution
Lucrece: and fuck you once again
Lucrece: oh, wait, you're just being sarcastic to burn calories
Lucrece: you don't need to lose weight, skip!
-Adam Conner and Lucrece Borrego doing our thing

"She's part of the axis of evil! There's Iraq, Iran, North Korea, and Jamie!"
-Alex P. on a girlfriend that apparently ended badly

"The first things you need to get when you first get to Costa Rica are a machete, a pair of pig boots, and some mallaria medication....then you are set!'
-Matt E. on his Costa Rica 
Sunday, February 09, 2003
  Here's the Quotes of the Day Running Score Board so Far! Congrats to all those that have been lucky enough to make it onto the board and keep up the great moments!
The Proud Father of this Website-Adam Conner

Arranged by number of comments listed on the site and then alphabetically after the top 5

Top 5

Adam Conner: 21
Elizabeth Steinfield: 7
Professor Loge:6
Chris Miller: 6
Lucrece Borrego: 5

Those with 4

Matt Miller: 4
Lorena Seitz: 4
Stiffler (John Zonderwyk): 4

The Pithy 3

Dan Getman: 3
Ryan Kilpatrick: 3
Kate Riopa: 3
Russ Tanguay: 3

The Lucky 2

Kyle F.: 2
Matt Maez: 2
My Political Rhetoric in Political Communication Class: 2
Kelly Shea: 2
Unknown, Unattributed, or Anonymous: 2

And all the 1's

Princess Golritz "2" Amid:1
Jodi Barrett:1
Mike Delesio:1
Kathleen: 1
Evan Hass:1
Danny Kratzer:1
Mike Richmond:1
Travis Zander:1 
  "We're not going out or anything official. We've just formed an exploratory committee."
-An Unattributed Floormate who wishes to keep his love life confidential until things become official then I'll change the quote. (2 points. (1) I respect the anominity of my sources and (2) Jesus you know you go to GW when kids speak of relations in the same level as political campaigns)

"It was the first book I'd read since...about 1998."
-Stiffler (John Zonderwyk) on the experience of learning in college

"Seriously it was a good strategy and we played well. Sending Adam to guard that one guy was a tough call, I thought he was gonna get smoked. Good job guarding the smallest guy Adam, you did a suprisingly good job since you were the tallest person on our team."
-Stiffler on our B-Ball strategy

Lucrece: i almost burnt down a T station today!
Lucrece: yay me!
Adam: wtf?
Lucrece: we were waiting for our shuttle in the cold
Lucrece: it was midnight
Lucrece: we were early
Lucrece: had hour to wait
Lucrece: so we lit a fire in the trash can to keep warm
Lucrece: but it got a little out of hand
Lucrece: and this drunk guy had to help us put it out
Lucrece: destroyed the whole trash can!!
Adam: jesus
Adam: Only my friends
Lucrece: thought you'd be proud
-Lucrece Borrego and Adam Conner on the various reasons that there are days when Adam is the voice of reason and has to deny knowing some of his friends

"You're running Bartlet for America aren't you?"
-Adam Conner on a girl running a political campaign in her away messages via West Wing quotes (unattributed)

"No you see my powers of deductive reasoning are second to none. My deductive reasoning is not to be mocked! In the complete I connect seemingly unrelated items and can come to a conclusion so startlingly accurate you would think I'm a damn fortune teller. And in the absesnce of fact I make things up!"
-Adam Conner on his superior forms of deductive reasoning

Adam: "President Bush just raised the color coded "Terror Alert" level from yellow to orange. But my TV at work has the picture cut off so it just says "Error Alert: High"
Someone I can't remember:"That's a pretty fair descriptor of Bush's presidency."
-Adam Conner and someone I cannot for the life of me recall
This is a tribute to forever enshrine the many ''Quotes of the Day'' that I've run into. This is an attempt to compile and archive them. Be sure and check out the archives that are located below to see all of the past quotes of the day. Any questions or comments can be sent to quotesoftheday@hotmail.com. Thank's for coming along, bookmark this page and check it DAILY! Enjoy! Adam Conner

01/12/2003 - 01/19/2003 / 01/19/2003 - 01/26/2003 / 01/26/2003 - 02/02/2003 / 02/02/2003 - 02/09/2003 / 02/09/2003 - 02/16/2003 / 02/16/2003 - 02/23/2003 / 02/23/2003 - 03/02/2003 / 03/02/2003 - 03/09/2003 / 03/09/2003 - 03/16/2003 / 03/23/2003 - 03/30/2003 / 04/13/2003 - 04/20/2003 / 04/20/2003 - 04/27/2003 / 04/27/2003 - 05/04/2003 / 05/25/2003 - 06/01/2003 / 07/27/2003 - 08/03/2003 / 10/12/2003 - 10/19/2003 / 11/02/2003 - 11/09/2003 /

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