Professor: "Is there a black and white in truth? Certainly not in politics."
Student: "How about a darker grey and a lighter grey?"
-Pithy comeback to a posed question in my Political Rhetoric in Political Communication class (not my own)
"You've lost 9 pounds since you got to college Skippy? Jesus sarcasm must burn calories like mad."
-Lucrece Borrego on the miracle of Adam's weight loss since his arrival at college
Matt: "I hate the Crocodile Hunter (Stever Irwin)."
Chris: "I want him to get eaten by something."
Evan: "Yeah."
Chris: "And not by something like a crocodile, I want him to be eaten by something PUSSY."
Matt: "That'd be great."
Chris: "Like a fucking anteater. It looks all passive then BAM! It kills him and sucks the skin off his face."
Evan: "I'd pay to see that."
-Matt Miller, Evan Hass, and Chris Miller dreaming of ideal deaths for the Crocodile Hunter guy
"And the Donkey (democrats)...who the hell wants to vote for an ass?! God what a great line!"
-Professor Loge in my Political Rhetoric in Political Communication class